SHE New York City

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Content useful for travelling and accommodation should be moved from Sharewiki to

Please move this page to SHE New York City.

Also to be migrated: nomadismnomadbasesSHEPast events

She stands for Sustainable Hospitality Exchange.

SHE in NEW YORK is a proposal for a gathering to discuss nomadism in New York .

For more information about SHE in US, see also the Formerly Unanswered Questions.


5-6th of December 2009



Ganas, a well established intentional living community located in Staten Island

Here can be hosted up to 10 ppl with sleeping bags on the floor.


Brooklyn Urban Sanctuary

5 more hosting spaces (sleeping bag/floor) at Open Nest


  • Trashwiki: [1], Dumpster Diving, potluck.

Also Ganas offered an $8 dinner which could turn useful if everyone joins.


What would we like to accomplish?

  • Network people in the United States
  • Spread the idea of a 'nomadbase'
  • Practice Open Space, facilitation and consensus
  • Exchange experiences of living while traveling
  • compare and learn from different models of nomadic bases and intentional living


Who are the neo-nomads? How do we travel? How do we survive on budget? How do we deal with borders? And foremost, how can we live together, learn, share, take decisions and cooperate? What are the experiences in United States and how do they differ/are similar to Europe?

A loose network of nomads, long term travelers, hackers, facilitators and hospitality exchange addicts is hosting a conference on (postmodern/neo)nomadic culture, with a strong focus on setting up spaces/bases/places that are open for nomads. The conference takes place in Berlin at the end of November. See

As a follow up of this conference, a gathering has been set up in New York on the 5-6th of December. Hosted by Ganas, a well established intentional living community located in Staten Island, SHE in NYC has the goal of promoting neo-nomadic culture, long term traveling and the creation/connection of nomadic bases through brainstorming and sharing experiences from the field.

To discuss about these topics, we want to bring together:

  • Nomadic travelers and nomadic workers
  • Full-time Hospitality Hosts
  • People interested in long term hospitality
  • People interested in nomad culture
  • People interested in Open Space and facilitation
  • People interested setting up Real Social Networks
  • People who live in larger shared houses intentional communities
  • People interested in freeganism and utopias
  • People interested in sharing skills on the topics mentioned above

Nomads living outside NY are invited to join and will be hosted at Ganas (up to 10 people). We hope to find hosts for the rest of the participants in NYC area.

For nomadic base we refer to any space in which long term travelers who believe in hospitality exchange can rest without feeling hosted. And where their participation to the base is essential.

Proposed structure of the gathering

This is work in progress: it will be discussed on the google group between participants [email protected]. Friday, 4th: 18 pm Pre-meeting with people from New York area to get to know each other and dumpster diving

Saturday, 5th 12 pm: meeting in State Island at Ganas Nomads and long term hosts get to know each other Introduction and brainstorming on what we will talk about in the next sessions Cooking for dinner and night out

Sunday, 6th 11 am Workshops, skill sharing, debates Open Space in action:

How to participate

Sign up on

Signup for the US e-maillist and introduce yourself ( also please add a link to hospitality exchange network, your website or other social networks) by sending an e-mail to [email protected]

More Info

Call for participation